ISSUE 5 - DECEMBER 2006 / JANUARY 2007

Bountiful thanks to Tim Rehling who directed us to the latest work from Lasse Gjersten, "Amateur—Lasse Gjertsen" , November 7, 2006 .

Our passion is to bring the finest Online Video to our audience. Our joy is when a kind friend, like Tim, shares our passion and guides us to the finest! Thanks, many thanks, again, Tim Rehling and our many other supporters.

Ages earlier (about six months ago) we saw, Gjersten's first post, a clever piece called "Hyperactive"*. "Hmm …" we thought.

Viewing "Us - Lasse Gjertsen" May 10, 2006 together with "Amateur" we knew: this was an artist we must advance here.

These two pieces, among the 16 works by the artist (live-action and animation)*, showed a talent that is, yes, Scandinavian melancholy like Ingmar Bergman yet somehow marbled with the whimsy of constant wonder like Roberto Benigni, then occasionally sprinkled with "Itchy and Scratchy" gore and featuring an audio-visual percussive rhythm that is all Gjertsen's.

We will not let this artist out of our sight/site!

*Lasse Gjersten entire online videography at time of this publication – 16 videos all at http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=lassegg [live-action and animation with dates on films and film notes from 2003-2006; dates presented are dates of posting to online site.]