ISSUE 9 - APRIL 2007
And Beyond

See where you fit in the big human picture through this simple and eloquent interactive work. http://www.royalsapien.com/pop1/

The very first Burning Short of Issue One was/is "Surf’s Up", a surfer daring the most impossibly huge monster wave. Here is another surfer in a slick, seductive masterwork of performance art.  http://www.dailymotion.com/cluster/extreme/video/x14gl9_dynamite-surfing

Which leads naturally to Banksy… iconoclastic artist who defies everything including our effort at editorial comment. Drill into the site and let us know if you too are speechless. If we do not hear from you, we will know you are. http://www.banksy.co.uk

And Beyond … We … Burning Shorts, our Friends, and Allies … plan to hit the road on the "Wanted Dead Or Alive Tour", a combination of anthropological field work and performance art, all with the aim of intensifying the impact of Burning Shorts. The more Raw Unfiltered and Disposable Video appears online the more we pursue the Elite and Enduring.

Cynopsis Digital ["CynDigital"] is a fine daily emailzine which features a video site or clip of the day. Subscribe free through www.cynopsis.com. Since CynDigital has the daily vid covered, our destination … the Elite and Enduring … grows ever clearer.